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UGC-Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre

Programmes / Courses


  • NEP

Applications received after the last date will continue to be registered as Late Applications and will be considered on the basis of availability of seats.

The filled in application may be submitted by email (hrdcunike@yahoo.com) or by post (The Director, UGC-MMTTC, University of Kerala, Kariavattom P.O., Thiruvananthapuram - 695581, Kerala, India)

Schedule of Programmes for the Year 2024-25

Sl. No. Course From To Current Status
1 182nd Faculty Induction Programme (Online) 19-07-2024 17-08-2024 Completed
2 183rd Faculty Induction Programme (Offline) 01-11-2024 30-11-2024 Completed


Sl. No. REFRESHER COURSES (Two Weeks) From To Status
1 Humanities and Social Sciences (Interdisciplinary) (Online) 10-07-2024 24-07-2024 Completed
2 Comparative Indian Literature (Interdisciplinary – Languages) (Online) 24-09-2024 07-10-2024 Completed
3 Environmental Sciences (Interdisciplinary – Science subjects) (Offline) 16-10-2024 29-10-2024 Completed
4 Women’s Studies and Women Empowerment (Multidisciplinary) (Online) 04-12-2024 17-12-2024 Completed
5 Education Technology and ICT (Multidisciplinary) (Offline) 04-03-2025 18-03-2025 Application Open
6 Tamil Language and Literature (Online) 22-01-2025 04-02-2025 Application Open (Last Date 02-01-2025)


Sl.No. SHORT TERM COURSES (One Week) From To Status
1 Curriculum Design and Outcome Based Education (Offline) 07-08-2024 13-08-2024 Completed
2 Student Counselling, Mentoring and Soft Skill Development (Online) 04-09-2024 10-09-2024 Completed
3 Academic Writing, Research and Publication Ethics (Offline) 08-01-2025 14-01-2025 Completed
4 Disaster Management (Online) 05-02-2025 11-02-2025 Application Open
5 Design and Development of Online Courses (Online) 19-02-2025 25-02-2025 Application Open

NEP Online Special Orientation and Sensitization Programme

Sr No Training Program ID From Date To Date Status
1 MMC-047-2023-NOV-B-00145 16-11-2023 29-11-2023 Completed
2 MMC-047-2023-DEC-A-00146 01-12-2023 14-12-2023 Completed
3 MMC-047-2023-DEC-B-00147 15-12-2023 28-12-2023 Completed
4 MMC-047-2024-FEB-A-00836 02-02-2024 15-02-2024 Completed
5 MMC-047-2024-MAR-A-00837 12-03-2024 25-03-2024 Completed
6 MMC-047-2024-MAY-B-01483 16-05-2024 28-05-2024 Completed
7 MMC-047-2024-JUN-A-01799 04-06-2024 14-06-2024 Completed
8 MMC-047-2024-JUN-B-01800 18-06-2024 28-06-2024 Completed
9 MMC-047-2024-JUL-B-01805 17-07-2024 29-07-2024 Completed
10 MMC-047-2024-AUG-A-01806 05-08-2024 16-08-2024 Completed
11 MMC-047-2024-AUG-B-01807 21-08-2024 03-09-2024 Completed
12 MMC-047-2024-SEP-A-01809 02-09-2024 12-09-2024 Completed
13 MMC-047-2024-SEP-B-01810 19-09-2024 01-10-2024 Completed
14 MMC-047-2024-OCT-A-01811 07-10-2024 17-10-2024 Completed
15 MMC-047-2024-OCT-B-01812 21-10-2024 01-11-2024 Completed
16 MMC-047-2024-NOV-A-01813 04-11-2024 14-11-2024 Completed
17 MMC-047-2024-NOV-B-01814 18-11-2024 28-11-2024 Completed
18 MMC-047-2024-DEC-A-01815 02-12-2024 12-12-2024 Completed
19 MMC-047-2024-DEC-B-01816 16-12-2024 27-12-2024 Completed
20 MMC-047-2025-JAN-A-02868 03-01-2025 14-01-2025 Completed
21 MMC-047-2025-JAN-B-02869 17-01-2025 28-01-2025 Apply Now
22 MMC-047-2025-FEB-A-02870 03-02-2025 13-02-2025 Apply Now
23 MMC-047-2025-FEB-B-02871 17-02-2025 28-02-2025 Apply Now
24 MMC-047-2025-MAR-A-02872 03-03-2025 13-03-2025 Apply Now
25 MMC-047-2025-MAR-B-02873 17-03-2025 27-03-2025 Apply Now