University of Kerala
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Phoenix loureiroi Kunth



Synonym :

Phoenix pusilla Lour.

Common Names : Ichampullu, Chittinthal

Flowering Period : Throughout the year

Distribution : India to South East Asia

Habitat : Grasslands

Uses : The apical bud is sweet and can be eaten as a vegetable (palm cabbage). The leaves are astringent. They are used in the treatment of intestinal troubles. A decoction of the leaves, with salt added, is used as a gargle to treat toothaches. The leaves are woven into mats, baskets, hand-fans etc. The leaves are used as thatch when making huts etc. The base of the leaves is used as a brush as a substitute for brooms and also as a brush for cleaning walls, windows, floors etc. This brush can also be used for the rough painting of walls and ceilings.

Key Characters :

Dioecious coarse bushy shrubs, to 2 m tall, densely covered with leaf sheaths. Leaves in a dense caudex, to 1 m long, 60-70 cm broad, pinnately compound; lower leaflets transformed into sharp spines; upper ones 4-8 together, 20-30 x 1 cm, linear-oblong, acuminate, folded. Spadix axillary, 20-30 cm across; branches spreading, to 18 cm long. Flowers sessile; perianth biseriate, outer smaller, connate, cupular; inner ovate, valvate; stamens 6, free; ovary of 3 free carpels, ovules solitary, stigma uncinate. Drupes 12 x 8 mm, obovoid, yellow.

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23 February 2025 11:26 AM