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Calophyllum calaba L.



Synonym : Calophyllum wightianum Wall. ex Planch. & Triana

Common Names : Aattupunna, Cherupunna, Manjapunna, Porapunna, Punna, Poon spar of Travancore

Flowering Period : September-May

Distribution : Western Ghats

Habitat : Evergreen and semi-evergreen forests and sacred groves

Uses : Fruit edible, the wood is used for construction, bullock cart poles, spars and axe handles

Key Characters :

Trees, to 20 m high, bark surface yellowish-brown, reddish-brown inside, deeply fissured. Leaves simple, opposite, decussate, obovate, ovate-oblong or oblong, margin entire, glabrous. Flowers bisexual, white, in axillary panicles. Sepals 4, white, oblong, sometimes slightly pilose outside, inner ones thinner, narrower. Petals absent. Stamens numerous, anthers large. Ovary superior, globose, 1-celled, ovule 1. Fruit a drupe, ovoid, bright orange or yellowish-orange; pleasantly sweet, edible; seed ovoid to ellipsoid, pale brown.

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30 June 2024 09:51 PM