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Spathodea campanulata P. Beauv.


Family : Bignoniaceae

Synonym : Bignonia tulipifera Schum.

Common Names : Thannirkayymaram, Scarlet bell tree, Fountain tree

Flowering Period : November – May

Distribution : Native in Tropical Africa

Habitat : Planted as an avenue tree, also as shade tree in coffee plantations

Uses : Bark and leaves have anti-bacterial properties, used in traditional medicine in Ghana to treat wounds and burns. Leaves reported to have anti-malarial action. Stem-bark decoctions exhibit blood sugar lowering action. Soft white wood used to make paper, drums and blacksmith's bellows. Seeds boiled to extract poison that is applied to arrowheads.

Key Characters :

Spathodea campanulata are trees with bark smooth, light brownish-grey. Leaves imparipinnate, opposite, decussate; lamina elliptic-oblong, margin entire. Flowers bisexual, bright red, in terminal racemes; calyx, spathaceous, golden velutinous, recurved;. corolla tube  bright reddish-orange without, yellowish within; stamens subequal; anthers large; staminodium small; ovary superior, ovate-oblong; stigma 2-lipped, lips flattened. Fruit a capsule, lanceolate-oblong, brownish-black, woody, seeds many, winged.

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23 December 2024 02:11 AM