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Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth.


Family : Leguminosae (Mimosoideae)

Synonym : Mimosa lebbeck L., Mimosa sirissa Roxb. 

Common Names : Karivaka, East-India walnut, Siris tree

Flowering Period : March - December

Distribution : Indo-Malesia and South China

Habitat : Deciduous forests, also in the plains

Uses : The leaves and seeds are used in the treatment of eye problems such as ophthalmia. The bark is astringent. It is taken internally to treat diarrhoea, dysentery and piles. The bark is used externally to treat boils. The flowers are applied locally to maturate boils and alleviate skin eruptions. A red dye is obtained from the bark. The bark contains 7 - 11% tannin and is used locally in India for tanning fishing nets.

Key Characters :

Albizia lebbeck is a deciduous trees with rough, deeply fissured bark. Leaves are bipinnate, alternate, opposite, margin entire. Flowers bisexual, greenish-white, subglobose heads, in axillary corymbose racemes. Calyx tube funnel-shaped. Petals united infundibuliform, greenish. Stamens many, filaments, green or pink; anthers very small. Ovary subsessile, glabrous. Fruit a pod, flat, oblong, compressed, straw coloured, turgid above the seeded region.

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16 December 2024 12:25 AM